Annual Report 2011


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Grupa LOTOS S.A. - Integrated Annual Report 2011
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Membership in organizations

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Grupa LOTOS is a member of the following Polish and international bodies:

Industry organizations

  1. Conservation of Clean Air and Water In Europe (CONCAWE),
  2. Central Europe Energy Partners,
  3. Organizacja Polskiego Przemysłu Poszukiwawczo-Wydobywczego (Polish Exploration and Production Industry Organization),
  4. Polska Organizacja Przemysłu i Handlu Naftowego (Polish Organisation of the Oil Industry and Trade),
  5. Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego i Gazownictwa (Polish Association of the Oil and Gas Industry Engineers and Technicians),
  6. Windsor Energy Group,
  7. World Petroleum Council - Polish National Committee.

Business organizations

  1. Business Centre Club,
  2. European League for Economic Cooperation – Polish Section,
  3. Gdański Klub Biznesu (Gdańsk Business Club),
  4. Klub Polskiej Rady Biznesu (Polish Business Roundtable Club),
  5. Polskie Forum Akademicko-Gospodarcze (Polish Higher Education-Business Forum),
  6. Stowarzyszenie „Pomorskie w Unii Europejskiej” (“Pomorskie in the European Union” Association),
  7. Forum Dialogu i Współpracy Województwa Pomorskiego "Energia i Samorządność" (Dialogue and Cooperation Forum of the Gdańsk Province – Energy and Self-Government).

Organizations dedicated to CSR promotion 

  1. Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu (Responsible Business Forum),
  2. United Nations Global Compact.

Specialist organizations

  1. Klub Polskie Forum ISO 14000,
  2. Polskie Forum ISO 9000,
  3. Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne (Polish Economic Society),
  4. Polska Okręgowa Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa (Polish District Chamber of Construction Engineers),
  5. Pracodawcy RP (Employers of Poland),
  6. Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych (Polish Association of Listed Companies),
  7. Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce (Accountants Association in Poland),

Membership in supervisory bodies

  1. Central Europe Energy Partners: Paweł Olechnowicz, as Chairman of the Board of Directors,
  2. The Gdańsk Business Club: Paweł Olechnowicz, as member of the Board,
  3. European League for Economic Cooperation – Polish Section: Paweł Olechnowicz, as member of the Management Board,
  4. Polish Higher Education-Business Forum: Paweł Olechnowicz, as president of the Management Board,